Monday, February 28, 2011

22 weeks

Dear Baby,

Today you are 22 weeks and the size of a spaghetti squash. I have a feeling you are a wee bit smaller than Baby Center tells me you should be since you were in the 38% percentile at our last doctor's visit. Today, I took a long lunch and took you for a walk around the neighborhood. I walked up Division, over to Milwaukee and back. I stopped to grab some some lentil soup and fattoush. It is still cold, but it's sunny out, which makes me feel like the potential for warmth is within reach. I ate lunch at our new desk and read about your growth for this week. I grew concerned that you are not moving as much as I read you should be, then moments later I felt some movement. I imagine you're like 'Don't worry mom, I'm all good!' then start swimming around my belly to ease my fears.

1 comment:

Andrea! said...

cute cute.